Comprehensive Guide to Registering Trademarks in India Online [6 Easy Steps]

trademark registration in india

Trademarks are one of the most valuable assets for any business, specially in today’s time when everything is accessible from anywhere at fingertips. Registering Trademarks in India is extremely simple process. However, most of the online portals have made it look too complex, so that people like you can buy their services. Why not! That’s their business model. Right?

In today’s competitive business landscape, safeguarding your brand identity is paramount. One crucial step towards protecting your intellectual property is registering your trademark. If you’re a new business owner in India looking to navigate the process of trademark registration online, you’ve come to the right place. This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know, from the basics of trademark registration to the step-by-step process of filing your application.

Understanding Trademarks:

A trademark is a unique symbol, word, phrase, or design that distinguishes your products or services from those of competitors. It serves as a valuable asset, enhancing brand recognition and preventing others from using similar marks that could cause confusion among consumers.

Why Register a Trademark?

Registering your trademark provides several key benefits:

  1. Legal Protection: Registration establishes your exclusive rights to use the mark in connection with your goods or services, enabling you to take legal action against infringers.
  2. Brand Recognition: A registered trademark enhances your brand’s credibility and visibility in the marketplace, helping consumers identify your products or services.
  3. Asset Value: A registered trademark is a valuable intangible asset that can increase the value of your business and attract investors or buyers.
  4. Global Protection: Trademark registration in India can also serve as a basis for international protection through treaties like the Madrid Protocol.

Trademark Registration Process:

Now, let’s delve into the step-by-step process of registering your trademark online in India:

  1. Preliminary Search: Before filing your application, conduct a comprehensive search to ensure that your proposed trademark is unique and not already in use by another entity. You can perform this search on the official website of the Controller General of Patents, Designs, and Trademarks (CGPDTM) or seek assistance from professional trademark search services. A simple search can be conducted at IP India’s Trademark Class Search Engine. On this portal, you will have to put in the word for which you want to conduct the Trademark Search and put in the class of goods in which you want to search already existing trademarks. Indian Trademark has made several distinct classes for different types of goods and services based on their features and types. You can check the details of all the classes here on the official portal of IP India.
  2. Decide whether to file it as a word mark or a device mark: Once you have completed the trademark search and found out that no other similar marks exists in the class of goods or services for which you want to apply, decide whether you want to protect your trademark as a word mark or as a device mark i.e. as a logo. Word mark gives you a broader protection, while the device marks helps in protecting each and every unique element and colour combination present in your logo. If you have a logo containing a word, it is highly recommended that you file a trademark for a logo and a separate trademark application for the word mark only.
  3. Filing the Application: Once you’ve confirmed the availability of your trademark, you can proceed to file your application online through the CGPDTM’s (Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks) e-filing portal. Ensure that you provide accurate information and select the appropriate class(es) for your goods or services.
  4. Examination: After filing, your application will undergo examination by the Trademark Office to verify compliance with legal requirements and assess potential conflicts with existing trademarks. This process typically takes few months, during which you may receive examination reports or objections that require detailed response. This step is usually best handled by someone who is an expert in intellectual property law having the capability to convince the examiner that the applied mark deserves the registration and merits highest degree of protection.
  5. Acceptance and Publication/Advertisement: If your application passes examination, it will be published in the Trademarks Journal for public notice. This allows third parties to oppose the registration within a specified period if they believe it infringes upon their rights.
  6. Registration: Assuming no opposition is filed or successfully overcome, your trademark will proceed to registration, and you’ll receive a Certificate of Registration. This certificate validates your exclusive rights to use the mark in connection with the specified goods or services.

Cost and Duration:

The cost of trademark registration in India varies depending on factors such as the number of classes and whether you engage legal assistance. The official government fees for filing a trademark application is available at IP India’s website.

The duration of the trademark registration process can also vary but typically takes between 6 to 15 months from filing to registration.

Additional Considerations:

  • Renewal: Trademark registrations in India are valid for ten years from the date of application and can be renewed indefinitely for successive ten-year periods.
  • Enforcement: Registering your trademark is just the first step. Regular monitoring and enforcement are essential to protect your rights and prevent unauthorized use by others.


Registering a trademark is a critical investment in the long-term success and protection of your business. By following the guidelines outlined in this article and leveraging online resources provided by the CGPDTM, you can navigate the process with confidence and secure your brand’s identity in the Indian marketplace.

Remember, when it comes to intellectual property, proactive measures such as trademark registration are key to safeguarding your assets and maintaining a competitive edge in today’s dynamic business environment.

In case you have any queries for the above-mentioned topic, please reach out to:

Om IP Lawyer Banner 2

He is an Intellectual Property professional based in New Delhi (India) who has a significant experience in dealing with issues related to Trademarks, Patents, Designs and Copyright.

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